When a company such as McDonalds splits its shares, the market capitalization before and after the split takes place remains stable, meaning the shareholder now owns more shares but each are valued at a lower price per share. For example, a 60750 share position pre-split, became a 121500 share position following the split. Split, meaning for each share of MCD owned pre-split, the shareholder now owned 2 shares. MCD's 9th split took place on March 08, 1999. For example, a 30375 share position pre-split, became a 60750 share position following the split. MCD's 8th split took place on June 27, 1994. For example, a 15187.5 share position pre-split, became a 30375 share position following the split. MCD's 7th split took place on June 19, 1989.

For example, a 10125 share position pre-split, became a 15187.5 share position following the split. Shares of MCD owned pre-split, the shareholder now owned 3 shares. MCD's 6th split took place on June 23, 1987. For example, a 6750 share position pre-split, became a 10125 share position following the split. MCD's 5th split took place on June 26, 1986. For example, a 4500 share position pre-split, became a 6750 share position following the split. MCD's 4th split took place on September 25, 1984. For example, a 3000 share position pre-split, became a 4500 share position following the split. MCD's third split took place on October 07, 1982. For example, a 1500 share position pre-split, became a 3000 share position following the split. MCD's second split took place on June 06, 1972. For example, a 1000 share position pre-split, became a 1500 share position following the split.

The first split for MCD took place on June 14, 1971. McDonalds (MCD) has 9 splits in our MCD split history database.