I tried a retaliation-type Paladin (Storm/Defense) build before, but I think a Prophet has an even better selection of retaliation skills so it could be even better. I haven't had a chance to get this character far at all, but I'm planning on retaliation-based damage, and pumping up strength (and possibly health) enough to be able to wear decent armor to stay alive. I've put points into Distort Reality to use them up until I have enough to get to buy Trance of Wrath.Ģ) Prophet (Storm/Dream), concentrating on retaliation-based damage. This build has been surprisingly effective so far, mowing through everything and even doing OK with bosses (I just try to stay behind them). I can't wait to get to Trance of Wrath - that will be a core skill for this build. Skills I am focusing on are Ring of Flame, Earth Enchantment, Brimstone, and (soon) Trance of Wrath and Soften Metal.

So far so good, but I haven't quite gotten high enough level to really come in to my own yet (about level 18 now). Essentially this character will just walk next to stuff and it will die. It is my power-leveller in a bottle.ġ) Evoker (Earth/Dream), concentrating on aura-killing everything. That's right, you can give this thing to a first level character and have him burn through everything with one hit. It functions as a staff, hitting 105-115 with cold damage, causing 200 frostburn over 4 seconds and launching a 6-balled mini-blizzard in a fan-shaped blast as a second attack. I also found a ridiculously powerful item fighting the Overlord's Cavern, a snowball named *. My plan is to get the PBAoE skills maxed out, so I can shadow-step in and hit mobs with the stunning attacks, then mop up the rest. I have no points in any pets, and am working up the dual-wield tree. I figured if I am going to be a melee fighter, I might as well go all the way and be a pure melee fighter. I know that Defender is one of the best builds, or at least that is what I have heard, but I have zero points put into the defense skills and I seem to still be DESTROYING everything. The Dream/Defender started out good, but has since fallen to the wayside. I have a 24 Dream/Spirit, a 48 Dream/Defender and a 17 Dream/Warfare. I have become addicted to the Dream archetype.